Cain said to the Lord,Why was this even necessary? Why does god want to protect Cain?
"My punishment is more than I can bear... I will be a restless wanderer... and whoever finds me will kill me"
But the Lord... put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
~Genesis 4:13-15
Is this the bible's way of showing us that god is forgiving and merciful?
And what was the mark that was so hideous that even potential Cain-murderers would shy away from taking his life?
And, without loudspeakers, e-mail or Twitter, how did "everyone" know & recognise that THIS was the mark of the man who can't be killed?
• There's a good explanation here, including how Cain's face was turned completely black. Racist uproars ensue, yes.
• Roger Kovaciny, professional bible translator, provides a pretty convincing answer here. There was no change in skin colour, apparently.