Now go enjoy life!Last week a campaign by New Zealand Atheist Bus Campaign raised $20,000 in public donations to fund bus ads which read "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life".
Now go enjoy life!Last week a campaign by New Zealand Atheist Bus Campaign raised $20,000 in public donations to fund bus ads which read "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life".
Today, we recall President George Washington, who proclaimed our first national day of public thanksgiving to be observed "by acknowledging with grateful hearts the many and signal favors of Almighty God," and President Abraham Lincoln, who established our annual Thanksgiving Day to help mend a fractured Nation in the midst of civil war.But those were George Washington's words, which were balanced with the practicality of Lincoln's quote. Obama himself didn't invoke a deity. When you compare this to some of the things Bush said during his last Thanksgiving proclamation, you can see the difference:
On this day, let us all give thanks to God who blessed our Nation's first days and who blesses us today. May He continue to guide and watch over our families and our country always.And as noted by Jill Stanek, "President Bush called the 1st celebrants "Pilgrims," Obama said they were "European settlers."" A subtle but significant difference.
We recognize that all of these blessings, and life itself, come not from the hand of man but from Almighty God....
Having arrived in the New World, these early settlers gave thanks to the Author of Life....
God said.. "I am going to put an end to all people, for the earth is filled with violence.. I am surely going to destroy both them and the earth. So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.
~Genesis 6:13-14
Not until the time of Moses were laws established forbidding a man from marrying a sister or niece. The timing of this command makes perfect sense biologically, for genetic defects as a result of intra-family marriage would not begin to crop up until after the first few dozen generations.On the mystery of Cain's mark:
The necessity of this mark indicates that the population of the human race had reached (or would reach) such a level that mistaking Cain for someone else would be a problem.Read the rest of Finding A Wife for Cain on
The text says nothing about what kind of mark Cain received or about its being passed on to his progeny. I see no basis for believing that any one of the races of man carries the mark of Cain.
This is a man's law, right here. When Conan became king at the end of Conan the Destroyer, you can bet he made sure there was a rule just like this his first day in office. "Ladies, we respect your right to resolve disputes in whatever manner you feel necessary for the situation. But, DO NOT GRAB THE JUNK."
The words in the Bible are actually those of God, speaking to the Hebrews and taking time to add the junk-grab rule into the supplemental commandments that didn't make it into the original 10. This had to be right after God realized his plan for a male-dominated society had a fatal flaw, which is that the women could prevail in any conflict simply by grabbing the men's junk.Now, you nervous, liberal types are complaining that this is barbaric and misogynistic. Perhaps, a little context helps. Just a couple of pages earlier, in Deuteronomy 23:1, we get this:
"Emasculated by crushing?" Gah! Everything in the Bible has to be understood in context of the times these people were living in. And, apparently, these people lived in a time when "crushing" the nuts was so common that the crushed-nuts victims were an entire demographic that had to be accounted for in the law. Call these commandments savage if you want, but if you were God, how many nuts would you have to see "crushed" before you overreacted? We're thinking the answer is two.
Of course, if you're not a believer and don't think this "grab the nuts, lose a hand" commandment is from the almighty at all, then it becomes obvious what happened: The rule was handed down by some angry clergyman within the first minute or so of having his junk crushed. All perspective tends to go out the window at that moment.
Cain said to the Lord,Why was this even necessary? Why does god want to protect Cain?
"My punishment is more than I can bear... I will be a restless wanderer... and whoever finds me will kill me"
But the Lord... put a mark on Cain so that no one who found him would kill him.
~Genesis 4:13-15
Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil. ~Genesis 4:2
People will always say, gays are not accepted, homosexuals are not accepted, but seriously, if we were to come face to face with Jesus now, will he really discriminate? Or it is just these people themselves who are discriminating in the name of another?The full article that inspired Ms Chor Lor's blog post can be found here:
Q: Where did Cain get his wife?There's a very good explanation as to why incest/ inbreeding was "OK" for the first humans:
Adam begat MANY children and some had migrated into the land of Nod long BEFORE Cain arrived and ‘knew his wife’. He simply married one of his ‘cousins’ who was ALREADY there.
...after “The Fall” and their expulsion from the Garden, the earth and the environment were still near-pristine. This accounts for their longevity (Adam lived 930 years) and the long lives of the early patriarchs as well. Genetically, they and their progeny were still near perfection (no mutant genes), which allowed the necessary intermarriage of near kin to populate the earth according to God’s edict.
God just informed the “mud-people” they’re going to DIE (the Law of Entropy)! They would also know pain and sorrow: God told Eve (Mother of all living) that she would bear children in PAIN. Pain was something new too. (Genesis 3:16 - ‘… in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and [but] he shall rule over thee.’)Love it, just LOVE it! There's more on pooping, sweating, and feminine intuition. Click here for the entire article.
That her “desire” (not sexual in this instance) shall be to [for] her husband means that FROM NOW ON, she will want to be the BOSS (no offence, ladies). Naturally, because Adam blew it (his stewardship) back in the Garden when the Serpent tempted Eve. Where was Adam? Why wasn’t he looking after her? Then he blamed the whole thing on HER! How ‘bout that?
I think you have it right. Whether you subscribe to a creationist or evolutionist view, all life is ultimately inbred, zebra, person or otherwise, since all species had a starting point. (which raises some interesting questions regarding evolution, since you need male and female of the species to produce offspring--we must assume that there was some kind of genetic "backward compatibility" which allowed the pre-zebra to mate with the zebra, as it would seem a long shot at best to hope that the first zebra male and the first zebra female evolved simultaneously, yet separately and within close proximity to one another.
Plus, the bible seldom mentions daughters in the lineage, so the absence of female offspring isn't surprising. Of interest is to note the ages of offspring from Adam to Noah. Except for Methuselah, the ages exhibit a regular decline, which one would expect in a limited gene pool. And an anomaly like Methuselah, isn't surprising also.
Similarly, when the gene pool is significantly limited again, with Noah and his family, the maximum human life becomes 125--again, a not unexpected result from a scientific standpoint, considering the amount of "inbreeding" up to that point. All of which might make one think the authors of the bible were extremely well versed in genetics.
Similarly, when the gene pool is significantly limited again, with Noah and his family, the maximum human life becomes 125--again, a not unexpected result from a scientific standpoint, considering the amount of "inbreeding" up to that point. All of which might make one think the authors of the bible were extremely well versed in genetics.
It's interesting, the more science uncovers, the more the bible gets right. For over 100 years science was certain the universe didn't have a beginning, then Hubble notices the red shift and confirms what a 4000 year old book has been saying all along.
Genesis 2:24
For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and they will become one flesh.
Your desire will be for your husband,And because of this, women have suffered. And suffered, and suffered. Throughout the ages.
and he will rule over you. -Genesis 3:16
Cursed is the ground because of you;
through painful toil you will eat of it
all the days of your life -Genesis 3:17
An Open Letter to a Muslim Journalist “Spy”
I just read that recently you and a friend visited one of the churches that I belong to. I was surprised that you had to do it in disguise.. You should have told the Catholic community there that you were coming and we would have given you a grand welcome.
Such was the experience of the MP for Shah Alam, Khalid Abdul Samad from Pas, who was even given a standing ovation when he visited and had a dialogue with the parishioners of the Church of the Divine Mercy in Shah Alam last year.
Some time back I was attending a Mass (Catholic worship) in a Catholic church in Petaling Jaya and was very moved by the presence of a group of Muslim students together with their Muslim professor who had taken them there as part of their “exposure programme”. None of them were converted.
You see we are not an underground church nor do we function in a clandestine manner. Our hearts are on the holy and not on the hideous. We even pray for Najib the PM, though I feel we do not pray enough for the Opposition. We also pray for people like you who do more harm than good to the name of your religion of peace, tolerance and compassion.
Further, what takes place in Catholic churches is highlighted in our in-house newspaper which was quite unknown to the whole population and whose readers formed an insignificant number – until the Government decided to prevent it from using the word “Allah”. Alas, the Herald should thank the Government for making it so well-known today.
Religious Misfits
It is a pity that you have gone through so much trouble to “investigate” under guise what is going on in Catholic Churches or that “Muslim teenagers were being converted to Christianity in Kuala Lumpur 's churches every Sunday”. You should have gone directly to the Special Branch, which sends it officers to visit our churches occasionally. Surely they will be able to tell you that you would be only wasting your time!
As for the information that Muslims are being driven in droves into Catholicism (which you have concluded to be “false” in your article) it has been a fallacious and stale rumour for quite some time, spread by those who have an obsession and paranoia or by the increasing number of lower echelon zealots or “Little Mullah Napoleons” running riot with their brand of religion.
In Feb. 2006, the Mufti of Perak, Haji Harussani Haji Zakaria, claimed that 250,000 Muslims (of which 100,000 were Malays) had apostatized themselves, while 100,000 more had submitted applications to do so. Of course he was unable to substantiate his claim because it was false.
In Nov. 2006, about 500 Muslims protested in front of the Catholic Church of Our Lady of Lourdes in Ipoh following a SMS wherein the same Mufti had disclosed that about 600 Muslim students of the Ungku Omar Polytechnic were to be baptized by national mariner Azhar Mansor!
The church was not converting Muslims but instead was holding the First Holy Communion Mass (one of the rites of initiation to the faith) for 98 Catholic children, many of whom were traumatised by the sight of a threatening mob. Imagine the very unfortunate impression the young Catholics would have got of Islam and of Muslims.
The mufti who had proven to be more of a misfit, was not man enough to own up. He blamed it on an SMS sent out by a woman! Why no action was taken against the mufti, and why the authorities remained mute (on both occasions) over his “mischief” remains but a mystery. You must have been motivated by the mufti.
If indeed the Catholic Church has the conversion of Muslims as its hidden agenda, it would surely have started converting hundreds or even thousands of impressionable young Muslims through its Catholic Mission schools which have existed for as long as 100 years, But no such thing has ever happened.
The Muslim classmates and friends that I had in St Michael’s Ipoh are still good and respected Muslims today, and such was their appreciation and respect for the La Salle Brothers that they made sure that their children in turn would attend a La Salle school or a Convent!
Sadly, your disrespect knew no bounds. You chose to abandon all human and religious decency with impunity as a journalist and a Muslim. Under pretense of being a Catholic you participated in the church service and even partook of the Holy Communion (a white and sacred wafer) strictly meant only for Catholics.
You consumed the white wafer which Catholics hold as very sacred and treat with utmost reverence, and both of you spat out the remnants, photographed it and published the picture in an article entitled "Tinjaun Al Islam Dalam Gereja:Mencari Kesahihan Remaja Murtad" which was published in the May 2009 issue of the Al Islam magazine.
I shudder to think of what could happen if the reverse took place -- if for instance two reporters from the Herald were to enter a mosque disguised as Muslims, partake of the rituals and desecrate something which the congregation considers very sacred.
I can imagine Khairy Jamaluddin leading a group of Umno Youth thugs and burning the effigy of the Catholic Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur and even threatening to set fire to a few churches, and Zulkifli Nordin rousing up a mob and invading the Herald’s office and demanding that it be shut down for good; or certain Muslim NGOs insisting that the two journalists be jailed under the ISA!
It makes me wonder how does a “creature” like you exist in this country? Are you the product of the educational, social or even religious system or process created by Bolehland’s leaders (also read as “Umno”) over the past 30 years?
How is it possible that you could blatantly trespass into a place of worship, violate its sanctity, insult its adherents, even publish your transgression and completely ignore the implications and consequences (will there be any)? What gives you such audacity?
It all points to the reality of you being a cog in Umno’s machine – a political party that has politicised religion for its survival by creating unfounded insecurities amongst Muslims and a distrust of other religions. Meanwhile it dominates, dictates, decides and even defines what non-Muslims can and cannot discuss, deliberate on, and display in print.
Najib’s 1Malaysia is really Malaysia in one big mess!
As I join my Catholic brothers and sisters in forgiving you (a Catholic duty we are reminded of!), I also pray that you will feel the full weight of God’s wrath upon you.
I feel sad for the many good Muslims in this country who have a respect for peoples of other faiths, for not only have you insulted Catholics but you have insulted them too. Islam would do well without religious misfits like you!
Martin Jalleh
(15 July 2009)
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work...1. Why is God almost always referred to as a "he" ? Who started this? How do we know if god is male or female?
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.